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Viral Content​

Actionable insights for effective LinkedIn strategy.

  • Tell a Story: Consider using storytelling techniques to make your content more relatable and engaging.
  • Post in Series: If you have a lot to say about a particular topic, consider breaking it into a series of posts. This can help maintain interest over a longer period and gives readers something to look forward to.
  • Focus on delivering value: Crafting your posts to appeal to real readers will make your content resilient to any future changes in LinkedIn's algorithm. Prioritize delivering value to your audience.
  • Provoke curiosity: Give your audience something bigger to reflect upon.


  1. Start with a Hook
  2. Provide Valuable Insight
  3. Call to Action
  4. Final Review

Start with a Hook​

The first few lines of your post must grab attention. Use numbers, show proof of work, emphasize benefits or pain points, suggest originality, or introduce a mild controversy.

Example Hooks:

  • "3 underrated tips to achieve X without having to Y"
  • "I spent X hours reading Y, so you don't have to. The 3 takeaways are πŸ‘‡"
  • "Most people fail at X because of these 3 things"

Provide Valuable Insight​

Your post must have both form and substance. Share personal experiences, solve problems that your audience is facing, and present this in a digestible, engaging format. Writing Tips:

  • Use short sentences and spaced-out copy.
  • Use "you" more than "I" to make the post more relatable.
  • Write as if you're having a conversation with the reader.

Call to Action​

After providing value, guide the reader toward an a strong Call to Action. This could be following you, subscribing to your newsletters, or even liking the post. Example CTAs:

  • Follow me for more insights
  • Turn on notifications to never miss a post
  • Like or reply if you found this helpful

Final Review​

Final checks before publishing:

Avoid Disappointing Readers: A compelling hook followed by lackluster content can lead to loss of trust and could have your readers exiting LinkedInβ€”a situation neither you nor LinkedIn wants.

Use Images and Videos: Visual content is more engaging and often helps to illustrate your points better. Consider including relevant images, infographics, or short videos.


  • Utilize Bullet Points and Subheadings: These break up the text and make it easier to read. They also allow readers to skim and still understand the main points.
  • Emphasize Important Points: Use bold or italicized text to emphasize important points or phrases. This also aids skim-readers.

Deepen Engagement

  • Ask Questions: Prompt your audience to respond by asking open-ended questions related to the post. This can drive more engagement and make your posts more interactive.
  • Share User Testimonials or Success Stories: If applicable, include real-life examples or testimonials that validate your points.


  • Review Metrics: Look at analytics provided by LinkedIn to understand what's working and what's not. Focus on metrics like engagement rate and click-through rates for links you've included.
  • Welcome Feedback: Encourage readers to provide feedback on the advice or insights you've shared.

Consistency and Timing

  • Post Regularly: Consistency helps you stay in the minds of your audience. Find a frequency that works for you and stick to it.
  • Time it Right: Pay attention to when your audience is most active. Posting at optimal times can increase the visibility of your posts.

A/B Testing, Experiment with Post Variants: Try varying your approach to see what resonates most with your audience. This could involve different types of hooks, content structures, or CTAs.

