How do you leverage AI to build a $100M brand?
- Funny Memes: Capture attention
- Leading Brands: The best brands compete on emotion
- Cultural Bonds: The strongest brands have the deepest culture
- Marketer Role: What capabilities?
- Storytelling: Master metaphor
- Games: Games are the best teacher
- Logo Design
- Website Optimisation
- Marketing Tech: Maximise Leverage
Pirates be all about branding.
Better to be a pirate than join the navy.
- Give people something to talk about
- Make them heroes of their own journey
- Stand by your mates
90 cents in the dollar is in the headline - David Ogilvy
- Humour is the critical weapon to capturing attention
- Make branding relatable through personal, engaging storytelling.
- Avoid early fixed costs to ensure sustainability.
- More cash reduces urgency, prevents costly mistakes.
- Lack of long-term strategy harms data-focused marketing.
- Measure long-term impact, avoid rising ad costs.
- Adaptation for short-term gains in marketing.
- Embrace constraints; they drive focus and creativity.
- Marketing transcends traditional channels, limitless creativity.
- Keep costs low; don't hire too soon.
- Focus on cost moderation, quality content, exceptional marketing.
- Improve awareness by measuring impact effectively.
- Rely on advertising first (Facebook, Google, etc); organic content secondary.
- Produce berleytrails to leverage online networks for business growth