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What routine checks and balances needs to be setup to manage this process optimally?

Cash forecasting

Compile information from around the company to create an ongoing cash forecast. This information may come from the accounting records, the budget, capital budget, board minutes (for dividend payments) and even the CEO (for expenditures related to acquisitions and divestitures).

Working capital monitoring

Review the corporate policies related to working capital, and model their impact on cash flows. For example, looser credit results in a larger investment in accounts receivable, which consumes cash.

Cash concentration

Create a system for funneling cash into a centralized investment account, from which cash can be most effectively invested. This may involve the use of notional pooling or cash sweeps.


Use the corporate investment policy for allocating excess cash to various types of investments, depending on their rates of return and how quickly they can be converted into cash.

Grant credit

Issue credit to customers, which involves management of the policy under which credit terms are granted.

Fund raising

Determine when additional cash is needed, and raise funds through the acquisition of debt, sale of stock, or changes in company policies that impact the amount of working capital required to run the business.

Risk management

Use various hedging and netting strategies to reduce risk related to changes in asset values, interest rates, and foreign currency holdings.

Credit rating agency relations

Keep any credit rating agencies informed of the company's financial results and condition, if these agencies are providing ratings on the company's marketable debt issuances.

Bank relations

Keep the company's bankers apprised of the company's financial condition and projections, as well as any forthcoming changes in its need for borrowed funds. The discussion may extend to the various services provided by the banks to the company, such as lockboxes, wire transfers, ACH payments, and so forth.

IT systems

The department maintains treasury workstations that provide it with information about cash holdings, projections, market conditions, and other information.


The treasurer provides the senior management team with reports concerning market conditions, funding issues, returns on investment, cash-related risks, and similar topics.

Mergers and acquisitions

Provide advise on acquisition activities

Integrate the treasury functions of an acquiree.