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Web3 Developer Shortage

Tech has a wide surface area of skills to learn with many competing voices on the critical path to gain valuable skills. Web3 is adding to this confusion and demand but a lack of good (validated) education resources exist.

Companies will need to become educators if the wish to remain in business and should aim to learn from the model created at to create bilateral learning environments.

Web3 and DAOs will make work increasingly dynamic. Where Companies will begin to mirror the tech they are built upon.

  • Distributed Blockchain
  • Microservices / Serverless APIs

Marketing efforts must inspire purpose and be targeted with twin pronged audience of future Contributors and Customers.

  1. Contributors: Educate to attract and retain talent
  2. Customers: first that they have a problem that needs to be solved.

To provide proof of critical path to value creation for customers, who will need to be educated.

Gamify the work experience to encourage continual education by promoting the transfer of wisdom.

Leadership based on attracting money over values and purpose.

Development complexity

Require knowledge of new programming languages, frameworks, and a deep understanding of the logic behind each smart contract.

Testing, debugging, and audit requirements on time and resources are increased because a single bug in code could lead to massive losses.
