Your personality shapes your personal reality.
People can make lasting changes in their lives, transforming not just their thoughts, but their entire being by rewiring the feedback loop that runs their mind.
When you lack meaning, decide who you can elevate. Aim to make someone's life a little bit better. Get so busy helping others you forget yourself in the process. What are driving forces and obstacles to living a fulfilling life?
The more one forgets himself—by giving himself to another person to love—the more human he is and the more he actualizes himself - Viktor Frankl
Negative Loops
The main challenge in making changes is the need to make different choices. If you keep making the same choices:
- You keep doing the same things
- You keep creating the same experiences
- You keep feeling the same emotions
- Your biology, neural circuitry, neurochemistry, hormones, and gene expression will remain the same
By mid-life, about 95% of who we are is an unconscious set of thoughts, behaviors, and emotions automatically programmed into our biology.
Dis-ease creates disease
Positive Loops
Practice defining, refining and rehearsing better stories that lead to making meaningful progress.
- Become conscious of unconscious thoughts: The first step isn't positive thinking, but becoming aware of unconscious thoughts.
- Make different choices: When you decide to make a different choice, it may feel unfamiliar. Thoughts like "start tomorrow" or "it's too hard" may arise. The key is to make the choice anyway.
- Repetition and conditioning: If you keep thinking, acting, and feeling the same way repeatedly, those circuits in the brain become hardwired. Emotions in response to situations or thoughts get subconsciously programmed into the body.
Tune into the wisdom in your body
Keep learning, explore consciousness to keep growing and stay healthy.
- Expand knowledge: Combining quantum physics, neuroscience, neuroendocrinology, psychoneuroimmunology, epigenetics, and electromagnetism to help people understand theoretical and philosophical information.
- Creating new neural connections: Learning creates new connections in the brain. However, if not reviewed or repeated, these circuits prune apart within hours or days.
- Applying knowledge: Set up conditions for people to apply, personalize, and demonstrate their knowledge, aligning behaviors with intentions and thoughts with actions.
- Creating experiences: When mind and body work together, it creates an experience that enriches brain circuitry and produces emotions.
- Embody knowledge: Through repetition, the body learns to understand what the mind has intellectually grasped. Eventually, this becomes a subconscious program - it becomes who you are.
- Immersive experiences: Surround yourself with people aligned in purpose that fully immerse themselves in the transformation process.
- Reinforcing learning: Having participants teach what they've learned to others. This helps wire the information into their brains more effectively.
People Change People. We become the product of the people we spend the most time with