Crypto Project Checklist
Use evolution of pitch deck as sharp end of driving intent of project solution.
Pitch Design
First and last screens stay on screen the longest.
- The design must be clean and simple.
- Colors should match your brand identity.
- Style carries through the entire pitch deck.
Vision and Mission: Why are you here?
- Company name
- Logo
- Contact details
- Strong tagline
Sell the importance of the problem and you won't have to sell the solution.
- How well is your problem defined?
- Who feels the pain the most?
- How did you identify it?
- What triggers the problem?
Align inner voices with external messaging, then leverage distribution mechanisms to full potential.
- Job To Be Done
- Market Size
Job To Be Done: How strongly to you empathise with the problem in hand?
- Journey
- Ideal Customer
- Truths
- Convictions
- Predictions
- Effort
- Risk
- Reward
Market Size: How big is the problem?
- Market size and competition
- Distribution and Promotion
- Pricing Power
- Branding
- Content Strategy
- Marketing Technology
Token Incentive: Best strategy to build loyalty through tokens.
- Web3 Points Strategy
- Tokenomics
Platform - System
Unique combination of technology and processes that provide a competitive advantage.
- Proprietary Data
- Distribution Network
- Intellectual Property
- Real Estate
- Equipment
- Raw Materials
Technology: How is technology leveraged to build a moat?
- Business Tools
- Zero Knowledge Proofs
- AI Strategy
- Cloud Compute
- IoT
EVM Blockchains:
- Ethereum
- Arbitrum
- Base
- Optimism
- Polygon
- zkSync
- Avalanche
Other Blockchains:
- Solana
Languages: Power vs utility?
- Rust
- Typescript
- Python
- Solidity
Process: Checklists, algorithms, workflows, procedures for success.
- Product Development
- Marketing
- Sales
- Customer Success
- Staff Onboarding
- Strategy
Honest and able: Why back this team?
- Culture
- Insights
- Teamwork
- Talent
- Identity
- Character
- Direction
- Curiousity vs industriousness
- Who is the solution targeted at?
- What capabilities are missing from the team?
- Who do you need to partner with?
- Capability
- Experience
- Alignment
- Commitment
Identity x Courage = Authenticity.
Profit, Traction, Prospects, Projections.
- Revenue streams
- Biggest expenses
- Pricing power
- Competition share
- Cost of delivery
- Assumptions and unknowns
- Risks and mitigation
- Priority
- Time to return
Capital: How much investment required?
- Capital
- Time & Energy
- Capability
Decisions: How were priorities decided?
- Consideration set?
- Strategy vs priority?
- What disagreements?
- How were they resolved?
If you were maximally effective, how good could things be?
Value System
Truths, Values and Convictions.
- Truths
- Principles
- Success Outcomes
- Failure Outcomes
Belief System
- Convictions