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The tokenomics of Ethereum.

Value capture through gas fees.

  1. Block (compute power) space
  2. Capability to organise order of block transactions

Incentive costs to validators.

As demand for compute power on Ethereum goes up, more ETH is burned than supplied, becoming deflationary.

Ethereum's economic engine


Protocol Engineering

  • Arbitrum
  • Optimism
  • Base
  • zkSync
  • zkEVM Polygon
  • Fhenix


How can you put a value on Ethereum?

Financial Model

Eth as Money

Ultrasound Money is a meme created with the intent of creating the the widespread belief that ethereum has a monetary premium.

Monetary premium is tied to the belief that something is worth more than its utilitarian value (DCF). Creating belief in Ethereum's monetary premium is required in order to raise a trillion dollars of economic security and achieve the mission of becoming the settlement layer of value on the internet.

Discounted Cashflow Analysis

Intrisic Value Analysis

  • What are the faults with this analysis?
  • What is the riskiest assumption?

DCF Workbook