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Memes are marketing and money is a meme.

It's more funny when it's true and it's more valuable when it's funny.

In 14th century Europe, the term "coining" was associated with inventing words. In the late 16th century, "coining a phrase" implied the invention of a series of words used to complete a sentence.



The most effective marketing campaigns are wrapped with humour.

With crypto you can mint your own currency, the success of your movement depends on wrapping a universal truth in humour and a viral content distribution strategy.

Aphorisms are a pithy observation which contains a general truth.


Memes are the ultimate persuasion mechanism.

Use humour to capture the mood of the moment.


Piss take wisdom

Schelling Points

Memes concentrate the imagination to create Schelling Points that optimise human potential through collaborative co-ordination.
