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Setting Benchmarks

Standard benchmarks to compare performance against.

  1. Benchmarks clarify expected outcomes
  2. Benchmarks clarify where and how to add value
  3. Benchmarks promote a race to the top
  4. Benchmarks help track progress
  5. Benchmarks promote dialogue and are a proven engagement tool

Benchmark Triggers

Measuring the performance of a Role, Product or Service should indicate where decisions need to be made.

MetricResultThresholdDecision Workflow
Future BookingsFailure< 40%Paid Advertising
CACFailure$200/customerChannel Review
SaturationSuccess> 80%Bonus

Take care of the downside and the upside will take care of itself.

Triggered Processes

For each standard operating procedure what decision workflow will be triggered if a metric is at or below a what threshold. Worst first: identify where time and money is clearly being wasted. Set standardisd decision workflow to work through a fix.

  • losing money
  • losing clients
  • failing to comply with regulations
  • security failures