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Storybook is a development environment tool that is used as a playground for UI components allowing developers to create and test components in isolation.

Deploy the shared UI components to document the design system.


Open source project with storybook implementations.

Component Driven Development

The following compiles a bundle in dist/storybook/shared-ui which can be directly deployed to a static server.

nx build-storybook shared-ui

Implement Component Driven Development to implement an Atomic Design System.


  • Buttons
  • Cards

NX Config

NX Storybook with TailwindCSS

Create a shared UI library directory. In the initial setup you need to split the tailwind configuration file between base workspace and the specific app where theme settings are made.

npx nx g @nrwl/react:lib ui --directory=shared --style=css

Create Shared Components

Create a shared component with the following command. Confirm desire to export the component

npx nx g @nrwl/react:component [component-name] --project=shared-ui --style=css

Providing --project we make sure it gets generated into our new shared/ui library.

Confirm option to export the newly made component.

To shared component into Storybook run the following:

nx g @nrwl/react:stories shared-ui

Currently there is a bug preventing stories from being created

Launch Storybook

nx storybook shared-ui


npx nx build-storybook shared-ui
npx http-server dist/storybook/shared-ui

Storybook Testing


Leverage e2e testing using Cypress to identify when Storybook components fail to render.

npx nx e2e storybook-e2e-ui-e2e --watch

React Testing Library

Test component behaviour


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