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Intangible Assets

Intangible Assets are non-physical and often difficult to quantify.

  • Goodwill
    • Culture and Teamwork
    • Customer Relationships
    • Credentials and Reputation
    • Brand recognition
  • Proprietary Data
    • Data compilation methodologies
    • Data transformation processes
    • Cultivated datasets for AI training
    • AI-ready data structures
  • Trade Secrets
    • Proprietary formulas and recipes
    • Customer lists and data
    • Business Strategies and Plans
    • Optimized Business Systems
      • Production workflows (Increase quality with minimum cost and no adverse side-effects)
      • Cost-effective operational procedures
      • Customized software tools and integrations
      • Employee training and knowledge management systems
  • Intellectual property
    • Patents
    • Trademarks
    • Copyrights
  • Digital assets
    • Websites
    • Social Media Accounts
  • Franchise agreements
  • Licenses and permits


Goodwill created by culture and shared through teamwork.

What goes around, comes around

Trade Secrets

Engineer your Platform to evolve Protocols that create a competitive advantage.