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Web App Development Process

  • Discovery & Research
  • Planning
  • Design
  • User Testing
  • Development
  • Launch
  • Post Launch

Discovery & Research

Requirements Gathering: Discuss with stakeholders to understand the project in depth. Identify key features, target audience, and goals of the website and app.

Market Research: Research existing similar platforms, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and how we can differentiate our product.

User Persona Creation: Define user personas to better understand the users' needs, behaviours, and goals.


Information Architecture (IA): Organize the information in the app and website in a way that makes sense to the users. This includes creating a site map and determining navigation.

User Flow Mapping: Map out the paths that users will take on the app and website.


Wireframing: Sketch out rough designs of each page of the app and website to determine the placement of elements.

Mockup Creation: Create detailed, styled designs of each page. Mockups are static designs that look like the final product.

Prototype Creation: Create a clickable or interactive version of the mockups. This helps to test the functionality and flow of the app and website.

User Testing

Usability Testing: Test the prototypes with users. This can be done through a variety of methods, including one-on-one user testing, remote user testing, A/B testing, etc.

Feedback Incorporation: Incorporate the feedback from user testing into the designs. Repeat testing if necessary.


Front-End Development: Developers will create the interface of the website and app based on the final designs.

Back-End Development: Developers will create the server-side of the website and app. This includes creating databases, ensuring the website and app can scale, and setting up servers.

Quality Assurance (QA) Testing: Test the functionality, usability, compatibility, security, and performance of the website and app.


Deployment: Launch the website and app to the public.

Monitoring & Maintenance: Monitor the website and app for any issues, gather user feedback, and make necessary updates and improvements.

Post Launch

User Feedback: Continuously collect user feedback for further iterations of the website and app.

Performance Metrics: Track key performance metrics to measure the success of the website and app, and identify areas for improvement.

Updates & Improvements: Regularly update the website and app based on feedback and performance metrics.