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Clear Thinking

How do you learn to think better?



Apply the right frame of mind and approach for a specific problem and related intention.


For a given situation understand what framework for thinking is most appropriate by developing OODA loop triggers and processes.


Take an outsider's perspective of the situation.

Step outside the eye of your mind to see the world with fresh eyes.

  1. Get outside your inner mind.
  2. Doodle
  3. Write
  4. Calculate
  5. Build
  6. Connect


This method prompts you to solve the opposite of a problem when you're stuck. For instance, instead of pondering how to create a successful project, think about what would make it fail, and then avoid those pitfalls.

Routine and Habit: Make it a habit to occasionally take a problem you're facing and try to solve the opposite problem. This practice can lead to innovative solutions and can help you avoid potential issues.

First Principles

This approach encourages breaking down a problem to its most basic elements, rather than accepting existing solutions at face value. For instance, Elon Musk used this method to rethink rocket manufacturing costs, leading to the creation of SpaceX.

Routine and Habit: Make a schedule to blockout time for deep thinking and question assumptions and break down complex problems into their fundamental elements. This way of thinking can lead to more effective and innovative solutions. You don't have time or reserves of willpower to always think from First Principles. Think slow to act fast by developing Mantra or rules of thumb to improve accuracy of decisions and actions in times of pressure.

Second Order Thinking

This concept involves considering the possible reactions and consequences of your actions beyond the immediate results. This foresight can help you avoid unintended negative outcomes.

Routine and Habit: Before making significant decisions, take the time to consider potential secondary, tertiary, and further effects. This habit can help you foresee potential issues and mitigate risks.

Create a shared brain to help take the right actions by recognising the right signals from establishing the optimum behaviours.

  1. Discipline to consume information
  2. Question the problem
  3. What can you establish as truths?
  4. Detach
  5. Capture connections to the subconscious to recieve new ideas

It is not what you think but how you think that matters most