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Better Practice

Analysis | Mind Map | Loops | Ecosystem | Website

People change people.

Expand Human Potential

Keep learning, keep growing, stay young and healthy.

  1. Expand knowledge to understand theoretical and philosophical information across:
  2. Create new neural connections: Learning creates new connections in the brain. However, if not reviewed or repeated, these circuits prune apart within hours or days.
  3. Applying knowledge: Set up conditions for people to apply, personalize, and demonstrate their knowledge, aligning behaviors with intentions and thoughts with actions.
  4. Creating experiences: When mind and body work together, it creates an experience that enriches brain circuitry and produces emotions.
  5. Embody knowledge: Through repetition, the body learns to understand what the mind has intellectually grasped. Eventually, this becomes a subconscious program - it becomes who you are.
  6. Immersive experiences: Surround yourself with people aligned in purpose that fully immerse themselves in the transformation process.
  7. Reinforcing learning: Having participants teach what they've learned to others. This helps wire the information into their brains more effectively.

People Change People. We become the product of the people we spend the most time with


The most of important decision we can take is how to be. To thrive with AI we need to become better at being human not trying to compete with machines.

  • Social glue is the most important driving force towards feeling of personal fulfilment and collective progress.
  • Everyone needs help from others to gain alternative perspectives on how to navigate an obstacle where they have become stuck.
  • Better people make better decisions, better decisions create better outcomes, better outcomes make better lives.

Elevator Pitch

Our intentions influence our potential.

We can engineer better spaces that strengthen social glue through system that promote positive collisions among phygital communities that share better practices for personal and collective realisation of potential for growth.

Based on the provided sources and the concept of "Better Practice," I will outline a comprehensive business model that incorporates blockchain integrity, AI automation, crypto incentives, and tokenization to create a modernized marketplace for meeting, sharing, and coaching ideas.


Capital Allocation

  • Culture
  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Coordination
  • Community

Capital Formation

Loyalty = Liquidity, Liquidity drives the world.


To create an open marketplace where individuals can share and coach each other, fostering personal and community growth through participatory capital and crypto incentives.


To leverage blockchain integrity, AI automation, and crypto incentives to create a decentralized platform that rewards users for contributing to the community and environment, while providing a modernized property development model.

Key Components

  1. Value Proposition
  2. Customer Segments
  3. Channels
  4. Customer Relationships
  5. Revenue Streams
  6. Key Activities
  7. Key Resources
  8. Key Partners
  9. Cost Structure


  • Social platform algorithms are not incentivised to do you good
  • Lack of meaningful connections
  • Remote work lacks soul

Value Proposition

  • Community Growth: Facilitate meaningful connections and knowledge sharing among users.
  • Participatory Capital: Reward users with tokens for contributing to the community and environment.
  • AI Coaching: Provide personalized coaching and support through AI automation.
  • Blockchain Integrity: Ensure transparency, security, and trust in all transactions and interactions.

Customer Segments

  • Individuals Seeking Growth: People looking to improve themselves and contribute to the community.
  • Coaches and Mentors: Experienced individuals willing to share their knowledge and expertise.
  • Property Developers: Companies and individuals interested in modernized property development models.
  • Environmentally Conscious: Individuals and organizations focused on sustainable practices.


  • Web and Mobile Applications: User-friendly platforms for daily interactions and coaching.
  • Community Events and Workshops: In-person and virtual events to build and strengthen connections.
  • Property Development Projects: Real-world projects that integrate the Better Practice model.

Customer Relationships

  • Personalized Coaching: AI-driven coaching and support for users.
  • Community Engagement: Forums, groups, and events to foster a sense of belonging.
  • Token Rewards: Crypto incentives for contributing to the community and environment.

Revenue Streams

  • Stablecoin: Engineer a stablecoin for ecosystem of connected businesses.
  • Transaction Fees: Small fees on token transactions within the platform.
  • Property Development: Revenue from property development projects.
  • Partnerships and Sponsorships: Collaborations with environmentally conscious brands and organizations.
  • Token Sales: Initial token offerings and subsequent sales.

Key Activities

  • Personal Growth: Evolve AI algorithms to support personalized coaching.
  • Community Engagement: Organizing events and activities to foster connections.
  • Platform Development: Continuous improvement of the web and mobile applications.
  • Property Development: Managing and executing property development projects.

Personal Growth

  • Seek professional help when struggling
  • Identify and change self-sabotaging behaviors
  • Build a support network of caring people
  • Set achievable goals and celebrate small wins
  • Practice self-compassion and avoid harsh self-criticism
  • Engage in regular self-reflection and journaling
  • Develop healthy coping mechanisms for stress

Mental Fitness: Positive visualization for the future an essential skill everyone needs to be taught.

  • Destigmatize seeking therapy and mental health care
  • Schedule regular mental health check-ups, like physical check-ups
  • Be open about therapy experiences to normalize it for others
  • Develop a relationship with a therapist before crises arise
  • Use therapy for personal growth, not just problem-solving
  • Combine professional support with self-care practices
  • Encourage loved ones to seek help when needed

Movement Health: Agile body for living

  • Movement is medicine
  • Agile body agile mind
  • Mobility is strength with flexibility

Key Resources

  • Technology Infrastructure: Servers, databases, and blockchain technology.
  • AI Expertise: Skilled professionals in AI and machine learning.
  • Partnerships: Collaborations with environmentally conscious brands, property developers, and community organizations.
  • Financial Resources: Funding for development, marketing, and operations.

Key Partners

  • Environmentally Conscious Brands: Partnerships for content, products, and services.
  • Property Developers: Collaborations for integrating the Better Practice model into property development projects.
  • Community Organizations: Partnerships for community engagement and outreach.
  • Research Institutions: Partnerships for data analysis and environmental research.

Cost Structure

  • Development and Maintenance: Costs for developing and maintaining the platform and AI algorithms.
  • Marketing and Customer Acquisition: Expenses for attracting and retaining users.
  • Operations and Support: Costs for daily operations, customer support, and community management.
  • Property Development: Investments in property development projects.

Implementation Strategy

  1. Initial Development: Build the core platform with AI coaching and blockchain integrity.
  2. Pilot Testing: Launch a pilot program with a select group of users to test and refine the platform.
  3. Marketing and Outreach: Use targeted marketing campaigns to attract early adopters and build a user base.
  4. Partnership Development: Establish partnerships with environmentally conscious brands, property developers, and community organizations.
  5. Continuous Improvement: Regularly update the platform based on user feedback and technological advancements.


Better Practice aims to create space both in the mind and physical environments that lead to people and machines aligning in their efforts to building a better future through providing a marketplace that leverages blockchain integrity, AI automation, and crypto incentives to foster community growth and participatory capital. By integrating tokenization and property development, the platform will provide a unique model for sustainable growth and development.

The platform will provide a unique model for sustainable growth and development, leveraging blockchain integrity, AI automation, and crypto incentives to foster community growth and participatory capital.




  • What is the best version of yourself you can be?
  • How do you master the inner loop?

What is the most important question you could ask yourself to make progress?