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Types of DAOs

Many different types of DAOs are forming to solve specific purposes.

Types of DAOs:


Advantages over traditional consulting firms:

  1. Contributors get Direct Ownership of the Organization
  2. Open Contribution Culture
  3. A better understanding of the problems to be solved
  4. Reduced Earnings Volatility for Contributors

Service DAOs Landscape, Challenges and Solutions

Investor DAOs Workbook

An emerging form of legal structure that has no central governing body and whose members share a common goal to act in the best interest of the entity.

the most crucial piece of the puzzle is the ability to organize and motivate DAO members to act and work toward the DAO's mission and goal.

Modern day co-ops. What can be learned from successes and failure of co-ops in the past?

Decentralised Operations

Decentralised should not mean disconnected. The heart and soul of any organisation is the depth of connection between people.

Engineer systems to thrive in chaos.

  1. We don't need change - Naive Optimist
  2. What changes - Ignorance
  3. Backlog + Change Management - Futile attempt to control change
  4. Accomodate the inevitable - Architecture and Processes

Teams that can rapidly update their mental models will thrive.


Transparent decision making processes. Disagree then commit. A teams capability to coordinate to collaboratively inact the best possible decisions is the difference between success and failure.

How you decide in more important than what you decide. This enforces greater effort to reach community consensus through better communication protocols to forecast outcomes.

To enter flow, you need people that can put their egos aside to commit to collective collaboration even if they voted on a different path.

DAOs create a trail of decisions and consequences in a transparent history log on the blockchain.


  • Co-ordinating resources
  • Measuring results
  • Rewarding actions
  • Collective wisdom


Use blockchain tools to enable people to form into organisations to solve specific problems and share governance of decisions that drive growth strategy.


How granular into business processes should DAO governance operate?

Blockchains create an immutable decision log that will enable analysis that can determine those that have proven record in anticipating future trends. But we also need the ability to save the decision process that was used at a time of critical decisions to avoid hindsight bias.

Could DAOs be like Docker/Kubernetes for business organisation to provide micro-business administration architecture?

Library of web3 problems

Fair Reward

Seems like a way to be ripped off?


What impact will DAOs have on traditional departmental business operations and communities?

Which industries are leading the way in innovation with DAOs.

  1. Sport
  2. Gaming
  3. Music

Professional Microservices

DAOs lead to Protocol Driven Communication for Collaborative Coordination and analogous to designing and operating platform of Human Microservices.

An organisation could for example have multiple Marketing DAOs to manage work. The umbrella organisation doesn't care who does the work, just that it meets standards of quality and care within certain timeframe and cost.

Human resources that form around blockchain protocols to contribute value to complex ecosystems. Corporations of the future. Human micro-service architecture.