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Always select character over talent. People with character will always find a way to add some form of value. Arseholes make life an unfulfilling experience, and that is not the point of being here.

If you invest heavily in a few smart people, you have a very small learning surface exposed: there is only so much even very bright people can learn at one time. Whereas when the entire team meets a certain standard for competence, there is a very large learning surface exposed and the team is able to absorb more information.

Better connection enables people make better decisions; Better decisions make better organisations; Better collective decisions creates successful organisations.

Great teams have the discipline to continuously improve systems that share actionable wisdom. Battles will be lost but in the long run you can't lose if you build a team based on close cooperative collaboration with a constant focus on improvement through education and experimenting on how to get the best out of technology to do more, with less, faster and better.



You are the average of the five agents/people you spend the most time with.

The coordination of knowledge and effort between two or more people who work towards a definite purpose in a spirit of harmony... no two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind. - Napoleon Hill

Leverage crypto protocols to create incentives that align intentions between like-minds to drag humanity forward. Social glue is critical to the flow of progress.

Dream Engineers

Hive Minds

Only team players can be 1000x builders

Cultivate hive-minds to strive for maximum benefit through collaborative co-ordination.

Engineer systems that enable delegation and provide ownership in return for accountability, scalability and deeper connection.

Evolve tools and proceess that improve collaborative co-ordination while working towards a shared purpose.

  1. Single point of truth
  2. Standardised operating procedures
  3. Use mantra to promote accurate fast decisions

Team Sport

Play long term games with long term people.

  • Shows a desire to be competitive
  • Team players are good communicators
  • Enjoy social engagement
  • Willing to learn and teach
  • Playing to win but with the right attitude

Some people will exploit incentives for their own gain over that of the group.


No dick-heads, a rotten apple spoils the bunch

Every good investor ultimately makes the decisions based on belief in the team that is driving innovation forward.

Great teams know they can trust each others instincts to coordinate taking the best action to optimse results in their collective loop of consciousness.

  • Common Values
  • Complimentary Talents
  • Shared Vision
  • Unique Language
  • United in Purpose


People that feel connected are more capable of collaborating and coordinating to enact the best possible decisions as quickly as possible create dynasties and leave legacies.

To resonate with others, we need to connect when it matters. This nurtures both us and others, and also earns trust. Just as in cooking, timing is everything

Focus on what reasonates between you and the people aim to help.


Great teams develop their own language to shut down threats and maximise opportunities creating their own luck through focused intention and attention.

All teams need coaches that disrupt break bad habits and enchance talents.

Invest in building belief systems so that good decisions/actions can come from anywhere.

Engineer Collisions

Alignment of purpose is the hardest problem to solve.

Engineer collision paths to develop better understanding and stronger connections through positive communication.

Two or more people actively engaged in the pursuit of a definite purpose with a positive mental attitude, constitute an unbeatable force - Think and Grow Rich

Interchange regularly to keep things fresh and create collisions for connecting dots.

Tight Fives

Shared values, complimentary talents, driven by a common purpose.

What can you learn from how the great music bands work together?

In the age of 1000x leverage, tight teams will achieve exponential returns.