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Everything gets created twice, first in the mind and then in reality.

Start with the end in mind to feed habits that lead to a better flow of decisions.

first principles of flow

Time in flow maximises the value of time. Engineer systems that flow by capturing inspiration and converting insights into valuable outcomes in the least time, with minimal waste to deliver maximum benefit.

The right solution is temporary, the right question is eternal. Practice asking better questions.


The best ideas don't happen while you are trapped at a desk

Align Intentions

If you can't define success how can you hope to achieve it?

Invest time to define how success looks and feels.

  • Time and Energy
  • Trust and Goodwill
  • Money and Incentives
  • Real World Assets

Interoperability enables intentions to flow across platforms.


Better decisions lead to better lives.

Build Belief

Success is a state of mind that flows from aligning actions with intentions.

Use practices from neuroscience to engineer the dreams in your mind before engineering them in reality.

  1. Visualisation creates pathways to success
  2. The Reticular Activating System (RAS)
  3. Belief Breeds Dopamine
  4. Neuroplasticity

Whether you believe you can or can't you are right.

It's not about passive wishing. It is about actively constructing positive pictures through asking more enlightened questions.

Your brain's visual cortex lights up just like it would if you were actually experiencing it. This mental rehearsal strengthens neural pathways, priming you to recognise and seize opportunities.

RAS prioritises information relevant to your goals. When you focus on what you want, the RAS tunes in, making you more likely to notice and capitalise on related opportunities you might otherwise miss.

Positive expectations trigger the release of this feel-good neurotransmitter, boosting motivation, confidence, and resilience. The more you believe, the more you do, the closer you get to your goals.

Your brain is capable of rewiring itself, and your thoughts and actions shape this process. By consistently focusing on your desires, you literally build stronger neural pathways that support their manifestation.

Feedback Loops

How can we be sure technology will improve human experiences and outcomes?

Digital Homeostasis

DePIN can provide a shared platform for AI to thrive, where DePIN forms the body and nervous system and AI the mind. Blockchain and AI will close circuits to form positive feedback loops where human interaction will be excluded. We need to ensure the feedback mechanisms are set in the right direction while we can.

We need active human intention to choose the directions that we want, as the formula of "maximize profit" will not arrive at them automatically - Techno Optimism, Vitalik


Where should you focus attention in innovation matrix to grow value?

Innovation VectorsZKAIBlockchainCrypto

Explore the horizontal, own the vertical.


Abopt transformative technologies then evolve best practice workflows.

  1. Zero Knowledge: Verifiable Truth.
  2. AI: Leverage of labour.
  3. Blockchain: Immutable truth.
  4. Crypto Incentives: Value exchange, behaviour change.


Ask better questions, take better decisions to generate growth by solving valuable problems.

  1. Identity: Authentic Content
  2. DeFi: Participatory Capitalism+
  3. DAOs: Decentralised Coordination
  4. DeSci: Scientific Exploration
  5. DePin: Physical Infrastructure
  6. Goodwill

Innovate at the edges to build products that solve valuable problems.


Maximize leverage to transform state and distribute value.

Deploy custom AI models to chat with internal data to expand potential to do more with less faster. Automate repetitive tasks to reduce decision fatigue and allow minds freedom to explore creative potential.

Game Design

Games are at nexus of technology and art to tell the most immersive stories. 2. Coordination Games: Cultural Glue

Games shape culture, culture builds communities, communities build liquidity.

Game Production

Play to Grow

Play builds trust and loyalty.

Games enable learning from experiements in lower stakes enviroments. Play long term games with long term people

The Heroes Journey

Everyone wants to play a part in a great story